Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Go and Teach, Canoas, Brazil

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“Go and Teach”                         ⇒PDF Download

Each year Our Lady Aparecida Province offers a formative meeting on the Notre Dame Spirituality to our lay collaborators. The goal of this gathering is to insert the laity in the process of evangelization in our mission. Forty people were gathered from the different sectors of the province: social service, treasury, secretary, accounting, technology, general services, and teachers in religious education. This year the gathering was held on August 16 and 17, 2013, at the Sitio Notre Dame, which is a special space for gathering, contemplation, togetherness and sharing.

20130816_Canoas_Lay Collaboration_w300The prayer led by Sister Laudete Maria focused on the text of the disciples on the way to Emmaus. A beautiful reflection of the collaborators demonstrated generous openness to the Holy Spirit.

Then Sister Maria Adelia spoke about the current context and the role of the Notre Dame collaborators in this context. She challenged the group to discuss the matter with several questions. The reflection helped them become more aware of their responsibility as lay Notre Dame Collaborators and their mission as Christians.

At the end of the two-days’ meeting, having as a background the document “GO AND TEACH – Identity and Mission of the Catholic School in the Changing Period, in the Light of Aparecida”, prepared by the Conference of Latin American Bishops, the group prepared direction for their mission in all sectors of their jobs.

The insights below illustrate the importance of continuing to offer these opportunities to our collaborators of the Our Lady Aparecida Province so that the mission of Notre Dame may become a visible sign of the presence of the Good God.

“The retreat was very important to me, since it shows a clear and objective way the mission of the Notre Dame Family. I think it is an important time to feed the soul and strengthen contact with God, and commitment to the mission of Notre Dame. ”   Fabiano Gonçalves – IT – Province

“I’m leaving renewed. We were offered an encounter with God in a wonderful way and what I propose to myself is to be a little better every day. This “to be better” includes others, my family, my work colleague … all who pass by me.” Tatiana Medeiros – Administrative Assistant of Sacred Heart of Jesus School

“The meeting was very important to our mission, because it reminds us of the responsibility that we have as lay Notre Dame in the immediate society in which we are living and in the world. It shows us that through our witness, through the experience of Notre Dame charism and through the experience of God in our lives, we can touch the hearts of our students, their families, our families, our community, and thus transform the world.” Gisele Sander – Administrative Assistant of Santa Teresinha School.

“… this meeting was a time to recognize my weaknesses, recharge the “batteries”, so that I can be a light to guide and to continue the mission and the Notre Dame charism. Thank you for giving us this time of reflection and sharing. It’s up to us to choose to pass on what we learned to other people in our family, school and community.” Milton Kipper – Accounting Sector – Province

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